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Stanley Tools TRA204T  Staples Stanley Tools TRA704T  Staples Stanley Tools TRA205T  Staples
Used for light-duty household and crafting stapling jobs. Color-coded packaging for easy product selection, sturdy plastic packaging reduces staple breakage. Fits TR45 and arrow JT-21 staplers. 1000-pack of 5/16 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples are convenient and reliable. Used for heavy-duty stapling jobs such as insulation carpet underlayment and roofing felt, these staples come in sturdy plastic packaging to helps reduce breakage of the stick. With color-coded packaging, you can easily choose the correct brads for the project you are working on. Used for light-duty household and crafting stapling jobs. Color-coded packaging for easy product selection, sturdy plastic packaging reduces staple breakage. Fits TR45 and arrow JT-21 staplers.
Stanley TRA705T Narrow Crown Staple Stanley SWKBN625S Nail Arrow RLA1/8 Long Pop Rivet
For use with Stanley Fastening PHT150C, TR100, TR200, TRE500, TR100HL, Arrow: T50, T50PBN, ETF50, T55, HT50, Powershot 5700. Used for craft, hobby and finish carpentry projects. Sturdy plastic packaging reduces staple breakage. Fits TR200, TR250, TRE500, TRE550, TRE650 Electric Brad Nailers. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow RLS1/8 Long Pop Rivet Arrow WA1/8 Rivet Washer Arrow RLA3/16 Long Pop Rivet
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow RMA1/8 Medium Pop Rivet Arrow RMA3/16 Medium Pop Rivet Arrow RMS1/8 Medium Pop Rivet
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow RSA1/8 Short Pop Rivet Arrow RSA3/16 Short Pop Rivet Arrow RSS1/8 Short Pop Rivet
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow WS1/8 Rivet Washer Stanley TRA700 Narrow Crown Staple Stanley TRA700 Narrow Crown Staple
Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. For use with Stanley Fastening PHT150C, TR100, TR200, TRE500, TR100HL, Arrow: T50, T50PBN, ETF50, T55, HT50, Powershot 5700. For use with Stanley Fastening PHT150C, TR100, TR200, TRE500, TR100HL, Arrow: T50, T50PBN, ETF50, T55, HT50, Powershot 5700.
Arrow RSAW1/8 Short Pop Rivet Stanley Tools TRA709T  Staples Stanley TRA200 Wide Light Duty Crown Staple
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. This 1000-pack of 9/16 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples are convenient and reliable. Used for heavy-duty stapling jobs such as insulation carpet underlayment and roofing felt, these staples come in sturdy plastic packaging to helps reduce breakage of the stick. With color-coded packaging, you can easily choose the correct brads for the project you are working on. Used for light-duty household and crafting stapling jobs. Color-coded packaging for easy product selection, sturdy plastic packaging reduces staple breakage. Fits TR45 and arrow JT-21 staplers.
SureBonder FPC42S Short Blind Rivet SureBonder FPC48S Long Blind Rivet SureBonder FPC42AB Short Blind Rivet
Surebonder Blind Rivet, Short, Grip Range: 1/8 in, Steel, 1/8 in L Surebonder Blind Rivet, Long, Grip Range: 1/2 in, Steel, 1/2 in L Surebonder Blind Rivet, Short, Grip Range: 1/8 in, Aluminum, Brown, 1/8 in L
STAPLES HVDY 1250PC 1/4IN     STAPLES HVDY 1250PC 5/16IN    SureBonder FPC4SWAS Short Blind Rivet Washer
The 1/4 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples work with the TRA700 Series stapler. They can be used for insulation, carpet underlayment and roofing felt. The 5/16 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples work with the TRA700 Series stapler. They can be used for insulation, carpet underlayment and roofing felt. Surebonder Backup Washer, Rivet, Steel
SureBonder FPC62A Short Blind Rivet SureBonder FPC68A Long Blind Rivet STAPLES HVDY 1250PC 3/8IN
Surebonder Pop Rivet, Short, Grip Range: 1/8 in, Aluminum, 1/8 in L Surebonder Pop Rivet, Long, Grip Range: 1/2 in, Aluminum, 1/2 in L The 1/2 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples work with the TRA700 Series stapler. They can be used for insulation, carpet underlayment and roofing felt.
STAPLES HVDY 1250PC 1/2IN     Arrow WA316 Rivet Washer Arrow RLST1/8 Long Rivet
The 1/2 in heavy-duty narrow crown staples work with the TRA700 Series stapler. They can be used for insulation, carpet underlayment and roofing felt. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Great for very Heavy-Duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Stainless steel rivets are not for use with manually operated rivet tools.
Arrow RMST1/8 Medium Rivet STAPLE R19 5000PK 1/4IN       Arrow RSST1/8 Short Pop Rivet
Great for very Heavy-Duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Stainless steel rivets are not for use with manually operated rivet tools. For use with Arrow model HT19 tacker. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
PIN DRIVE SHANK .145IN 3/4IN  Pro-Fit 0940042 Felt Hammer Tacker Staple Powercrown STCR50193/8-1M Crown Staple
Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Type: Flat, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 3/4 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool Used for insulation and roofing paper applications. 7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000.
Stanley PSS42-1B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA42-1B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA44-1B Reusable Pop Rivet
Used for joining steel to steel. Reusable, full-visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. High strength, all steel construction. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage.
Stanley PAA48-1B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PSS44-1B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PSS48-1B Reusable Pop Rivet
Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Used for joining steel to steel. Reusable, full-visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. High strength, all steel construction. Used for joining steel to steel. Reusable, full-visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. High strength, all steel construction.
Stanley PAA52-5B Reusable Pop Rivet PIN DRIVE SHANK .145IN STD 1IN PIN DRIVE KNURLED.145IN 1/2IN
Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Type: Flat, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 1 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Plastic Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Knurled, 1/2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
STAPLE CROWN FINISH 5/16X1/2IN Powercrown STCR50191/2-1M Crown Staple Arrow BN1810CS Brad Nail
Duo-Fast Wide Crown Staple, Crown Width: 1/2 in, Leg Length: 5/16 in, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 20 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Suitable for: Duo-Fast HT550 Hammer Tacker, CS5000 Compression Stapler, SureShot 5020DLAF Stapler, EWC5018A Electric Stapler 7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000. Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole.
Arrow BN1820CS Brad Nail Stanley PAA66-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA610-5B Reusable Pop Rivet
Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage.
Arrow RSA1/8IP Small Pop Rivet Arrow RSAW1/8IP Short Pop Rivet PIN DRIVE 3/4IN L 0.3IN HEAD
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. DEWALT Powder Actuated Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.145 in, Steel/Plastic, Silver, 3/4 in L, Suitable for: Powers PA3500EX and P3X Powder Actuated tools
Arrow RLA3/16IP Long Pop Rivet Arrow RMA3/16IP Medium Pop Rivet Arrow RSS1/8IP Short Pop Rivet
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Amerimax 84034 Gutter Rivet Amerimax 84025 Gutter Rivet Arrow RLS1/8IP Long Pop Rivet
Used to connect gutter parts together and fasten other light-gauge metals. Theses rivets feature durable aluminum construction. Used to connect gutter parts together and fasten other light-gauge metals. Theses rivets feature durable aluminum construction. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow RMA1/8IP Medium Pop Rivet Arrow RMS1/8IP Medium Pop Rivet Arrow RSA3/16IP Short Pop Rivet
Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize.
Arrow T50 Multi-Pack Staple Stanley-Bostitch STCR26191/4 Power Crown Staples PIN DRIVE SHANK .145IN 1-1/2IN
Arrow T50 Staple, Heavy-Duty, Leg Length: 1/2 to 3/8 in, Includes: (625) 1/4 in, (625) 3/8 in, (625) 1/2 in Leg Length Staples Fits Bostitch T5-6, H30-6 and P6C-6. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 1-1/2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
FASTENING PIN GALV 0.3 X 3/4IN Pro-Fit 0940041 Felt Hammer Tacker Staple BRAD NAIL 1-1/2IN 18GA
The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. Fits Bostitch P6C-8, H30-8, PC4000, PC5000, T15, T15C, T58D4, JK:694, Prebena HHD-10, Rapid:31. Used for insulation and roofing paper applications. Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole.
Stanley PAA58-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA64-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA42W-1B Reusable Pop Rivet
Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage.
Stanley PAA54-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Arrow RLA1/8IP Long Pop Rivet PIN DRIVE 0.3IN HEAD 1IN L
Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Use steel rivets for very heavy-duty jobs and when riveting steel to steel. Use aluminum rivets for lighter weight jobs and materials such as aluminum, fabrics, plastics, leather and more. Use washers when joining soft materials or when existing hole is oversize. DEWALT Powder Actuated Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.145 in, 1 in L, Suitable for: Powers PA3500EX and P3X Powder Actuated tools
Pull rivets are used when you can easily access only one side of the materials you want to fasten. These are widely used for installing suspended ceilings. Use black rivets with black ceiling grid for minimal visibility. All-aluminum construction will not rust. Pull rivets are used when you can easily access only one side of the materials you want to fasten. These are widely used for installing suspended ceilings. Use white rivets with white ceiling grid for minimal visibility. All-aluminum construction will not rust. Paslode Staple, Crown Width: 1/2 in, Leg Length: 3/8 in, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 20 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Suitable for: Duo-Fast CS5000 Compression Stapler, SureShot 5020DLAF Stapler, EWC5018A Electric Stapler
Stanley-Bostitch STCR26195/16 Power Crown Staples Stanley Tools TRA704-5C  Staples Arrow BN18 Nail
7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch P6C-6, H30-6 and T5-6 tackers. For use with Stanley Fastening PHT150C, TR100, TR200, TRE500, TR100HL, Arrow: T50, T50PBN, ETF50, T55, HT50, Powershot 5700. Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole.
Stanley PAA68-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Stanley PAA62-5B Reusable Pop Rivet Ramset 00810 Washered Pin
Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. Medium strength aluminum can be used with aluminum and where rust is a potential problem. Reusable, full visibility packaging simplifies product selection and storage. With 7/8 in washer to prevent overdrive and to increase holding value when fastening wood or thin metal to concrete or structural steel. Fits all Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal 10 shot strips and 25 cal discs. Shank diameter of 0.145 in.
Use with Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal. 10 strips and 25 cal discs. For models of low velocity powder actuated tools with 300 or larger barrel diameter. Knurled shank pins for fastening to structural steel. Diameter of 0.145 in. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation.
FASTENING PIN KNRLD GALV 1/2IN Stanley SharpShooter TR45 Light Duty Staple Gun Arrow BN18 Nail
The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. Ideal for everyday stapling needs around the home or office. Lightweight with convenient handle lock. Quick clear mechanism. Chrome-plated steel construction. Uses 1/4 in and 5/16 in light-duty staples. Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole.
Arrow brad nails are small 18 ga nails up to 2 in long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole. This is the perfect addition to take with you to repair small engines, metal furnishings, automotive or anything mechanical that comes your way. Ramset Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.145 in, Steel, Zinc, 3/4 in L, Suitable for: Remington, Bostitch, Hilti, Redhead, Ramset and Uniset Low Velocity Tools
Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation. The Vulcan staple gun is chrome-plated with a steel ergonomic handle. It includes 200 staples. For use with Stanley Fastening PHT150C, TR100, TR200, TRE500, TR100HL, Arrow: T50, T50PBN, ETF50, T55, HT50, Powershot 5700.
Arrow RK6120 Rivet Assortment Pack PIN DRIVE SHANK .145IN 2-1/2IN FASTENING PIN GALV 0.3X1-1/4IN
Reusable, 6 storage compartments 25 1/8 x 1/8 in aluminum and steel, 20 1/8 x 1/4 in aluminum and steel, 15 1/8 x 1/2 in aluminum and steel. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 2-1/2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation.
FASTENING PIN GALV 0.3X1-1/2IN T50 Pro-Pack 508IP Flat Crown Staple T50 Pro-Pack 505IP Flat Crown Staple
The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. For use in Arrow No. ET50, ETC50, ETN50, ETF50, ETF50BN, T55C, T55, T50, T50PBN staple gun tackers and ETC50 cordless gun tacker. For use in Arrow No. ET50, ETC50, ETN50, ETF50, ETF50BN, T55C, T55, T50, T50PBN staple gun tackers and ETC50 cordless gun tacker.
T50 Pro-Pack 506IP Flat Crown Staple Ramset 1508 Drive Pin PIN DRIVE SHANK .145IN 3IN
For use in Arrow No. ET50, ETC50, ETN50, ETF50, ETF50BN, T55C, T55, T50, T50PBN staple gun tackers and ETC50 cordless gun tacker. Ramset Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.145 in, Powder Plated, Suitable for: Powder Actuated Tools Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin, Head Type: Flat, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Type: Smooth, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, Plain, 3 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
Arrow JT21CM Light Duty Staple Gun T50 Pro-Pack 504IP Flat Crown Staple T50 508SS1 Flat Crown Staple
The Arrow JT21CM features an all chromed steel housing, jam resistant mechanism, proven rear load magazine and steel working parts hardened in a 1500 deg furnace. A rugged coil spring gives this tool the power and performance one would expect from a much larger stapler- in a smaller fine wire format. And a convenient staple viewing window indicates when staples are running low. For use in Arrow No. ET50, ETC50, ETN50, ETF50, ETF50BN, T55C, T55, T50, T50PBN staple gun tackers and ETC50 cordless gun tacker. T50 staples are the world's top-selling heavy-duty staple platform. Made to deliver exceptional holding power, these staples are used for all heavy-duty stapling applications - from installing insulation, housewraps and roofing underlayments to upholstering fine furniture and window treatments. A true workhorse of a fastener, Arrow T50 staples are made to precise specifications on state-of-the-art equipment at our manufacturing plant in Saddle Brook, NJ, USA.
Arrow RL100 Light Duty Rivet Tool Ramset 06171/1503K Knurled Drive Pin PIN DRIVE HEAD 0.3X2-1/4IN
All-steel construction with comfortable vinyl grip. Spring-loaded handle for easy rivet loading and ejection. Changeable nose piece takes 1/8 in and 5/32 in Dia rivet in one hole and 3/16 in on other hole. To change hole size, loosen screw on nose piece plate and pivot plate around, tighten screw. Use with Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal. 10 strips and 25 cal discs. For models of low velocity powder actuated tools with 300 or larger barrel diameter. Knurled shank pins for fastening to structural steel. Diameter of 0.145 in. Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation.
Arrow JT27 Junior Light Duty Staple Gun Arrow TruTac TT21 Light Duty Forward Stapler Arrow Fastener 505SS1 T50 Staples
The JT27 is a great choice for occasional DIY users looking for a dependable yet economical fine wire stapler. The JT27's convenient bottom load magazine with pinch release makes reloading and clearing jams easy and hassle-free. The handle lock secures the handle against the tool frame, making this compact and convenient tool easy to store safely anywhere. Plus, a staple viewing window indicates when staples are running low. Sleek design, easy operation and surprising power make the TT21 TruTac? fine wire stapler one of Arrow's top consumer-rated tools. The patented forward action design allows operators to push the handle rather than squeeze a great benefit for females and those with smaller hands. The convenient bottom load magazine makes reloading and clearing jams easy and a staple viewing window indicates when staples are running low. T50 staples are the world's top-selling heavy-duty staple platform. Made to deliver exceptional holding power, these staples are used for all heavy-duty stapling applications - from installing insulation, housewraps and roofing underlayments to upholstering fine furniture and window treatments. A true workhorse of a fastener, Arrow T50 staples are made to precise specifications on state-of-the-art equipment at our manufacturing plant in saddle brook, NJ, USA.
PIN DRIVE WASHER .145IN 1IN   Stanley TR110 Light Duty Staple Gun Stanley MR33C Right Angle Riveter
Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 1 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool The heavy-duty staple gun is durable and reliable. Its chrome-plated all steel construction is tough enough to survive dusty, dirty jobsites. With its bottom load channel to load staples for fast and its handle lock for easy storage, this tool has enough power to drive staples into thick dense wood, day in and day out, all day long. This comfortable, easy-to-squeeze Stanley? 10 in medium-duty pop rivet gun has a long handle and can be used in tight spaces. It has a durable steel construction and is ideal for many types of maintenance and repair jobs.
Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation. Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 1-1/4 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
PIN DRIVE WASHER.145IN 1-1/2IN FASTENING PIN GALV 0.3 X 2IN  Stanley-Bostitch STCR50191/2-4M Power Crown Staples
Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 1-1/2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. 7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000.
Powercrown STCR50193/8-5M Crown Staple Ramset 1512 Drive Pin PIN DRIVE WASHER .145IN 2IN
7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000. Use with Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal. 10 strips and 25 cal discs. For models of low velocity powder actuated tools with 300 or larger barrel diameter. Knurled shank pins for fastening to structural steel. Diameter of 0.145 in. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Galvanized, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 2-1/2 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. Blue Point Fasteners Drive Pin with Metal Round Washer, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.14 in, 3 in L, Suitable for: BP-307S 0.22 cal Powder-Actuated Tool
Surebonder 5650 All-In-1 Staple Gun Arrow T50 Staple Gun Arrow Fastener T50X Tacmate Staple Guns
Use any brand or size of heavy-duty staples. A unique black painted all-in-one staple gun. Easy drop in staple loading. Viewing window lets you know if you need to load staples. For use with Surebonder #4, #5, #6, #11 heavy-duty staples or Arrow T50, PowerFast, Stanley, Duo-Fast, Bostitch, Craftsman, Master Mechanic, Do-it, Ace Hardware, Black & Decker? and Unifix staples. Arrow's iconic model T50 is America's top-selling staple gun. It features an all chromed steel housing, jam-resistant mechanism, powerful coil spring, staple viewing window and steel working parts hardened in a 1500 deg furnace. The number one choice of generations of professionals and homeowners alike, the Arrow T50 has become legendary for its uniquely American blend of functionality, dependability and sheer ruggedness. The TacMate? staple gun is a contemporary, well-built tool designed for today's demanding DIYer. The lightweight molded housing, soft grip surfaces and metal internal components deliver a durable and powerful tool in a surprisingly friendly, easy-to-use design. A non-marring rubber tip keeps projects dent and scratch-free. Staples load with the push of a button and a staple viewing window indicates when staples are running low.
STAPLE GUN MANUALT50 STAPLES  T50 50CT24 Flat Crown Staple Ramset 1516E Ramguard Pin
Chrome plated steel construction for durability; soft rubber grip handle; bottom loading magazine saves time and hassle; visual refill window shows the user if they have staples loaded; uses T50 stples: 1/4" (6mm - sku #s - 611.7238, 187.2142); 5/16" (8mm - sku #s - 584.6472, 509.4974); 3/8" (10mm - sku # 962.6045); 1/2" (12mm - sku #s 192.8522, 060.7077); 17/32" (13mm) and 9/16" (14mm); designed in USA. Flat crown used for ceiling tile insulation. Pack size of 1250. Coated to improve corrosion resistance in treated lumber and other applications. Fits most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal. Features single shots of 27 cal. Shank diameter of 0.145 in.
Ramset Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Shank Diameter: 0.145 in, Plated The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools.
Pull rivets are used when you can easily access only one side of the materials you want to fasten. These are widely used for installing suspended ceilings. Use Toolpro hand rivet tool to install. The Vulcan staple gun is made of chrome plated steel and has a non-slip handle. 7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000.
T50 50524/505 Flat Crown Staple T50 50424/504 Flat Crown Staple T50 50624/506 Flat Crown Staple
The T50 staples are made of 0.05 wire. They come 1250 to a pack. The T50 staples are made of 0.05 wire. They come 1250 to a pack. The T50 staples are made of 0.05 wire. They come 1250 to a pack.
T50 50824/508 Flat Crown Staple T50 50924/509 Flat Crown Staple Ramset 1516 Drive Pin
The T50 staples are made of 0.05 wire. They come 1250 to a pack. The T50 staples are made of 0.05 wire. They come 1250 to a pack. Use with Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal. 10 strips and 25 cal discs. For models of low velocity powder actuated tools with 300 or larger barrel diameter. Knurled shank pins for fastening to structural steel. Diameter of 0.145 in.
With 7/8 in washer to prevent overdrive and to increase holding value when fastening wood or thin metal to concrete or structural steel. Fits all Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal 10 shot strips and 25 cal discs. Shank diameter of 0.145 in. The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools.
Bostitch PowerCrown T6-8 Staple Gun Stanley SharpShooter PHT150C Hammer Tacker TACKER HAMMER LT WIRE RUB GRIP
Lightweight die-cast aluminum design with steel handle, over molded rubber grip for comfort and convenient bottom loading for quick and easy reloading. Nickel chrome-plated steel magazine. Used for house wrap, tar paper. Weighs 1.9 lb. Magazine capacity of 84 staples, 1/4 to 9/16 in STCR5019 series Power Crown staples. Orgill Sku #160.8504, #341.8647, #433.9438 and #744.7915. The Sharpshooter? heavy-duty hammer tacker is ideal for anyone who wants to facilitate the installation of carpeting, roofing or insulation. Lightweight design. Pro's choice to install insulation. Ergonomic soft rubber grip provides maximum comfort. Durable all-steel construction, chrome magazine and hardened steel internal components. Uses staples of size 1/4 in, 5/16 in and 3/8 in.
Arrow RH200 Professional Easy Pull Rivet Tool 1-1/4IN WASHERED PIN          FASTENING PIN ZINC GALV 2IN
Arrow's RH200 is a great all-purpose rivet tool for both professional and DIY rivet applications. The extended nose design helps with tight corners or when a little extra reach is needed in the work area. The RH200S also features tough and durable steel construction, spring loaded handles, soft vinyl hand grips, 4 different size nose pieces, a nose changing wrench and a convenient handle lock for easy storage. With 7/8 in washer to prevent overdrive and to increase holding value when fastening wood or thin metal to concrete or structural steel. Fits all Ramset, hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal 10 shot strips and 25 cal discs. Shank diameter of 0.145 in. The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools.
Arrow Fastener T25X Wiremate Wiring Tackers FASTENING PIN GALV CLASS65 3IN FASTENING PIN ZN GALV 2-1/2IN
Great for wiring projects. Compact, powerful, precise, grooved guide ensures consistent stapling. For up to 1/4 in Dia wires. Uses T25 staples (Sku #415.8796, #415.8812, #415.8846). The PDPA is a hardened-steel, powder-actuated fastener designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPA consists of a fastener with a 0.3 in Dia head and a 0.157 in Dia shank. The PDPA provides maximum jobsite productivity with fast installation. The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools.
FASTENING PIN ZN GALV 2-7/8IN Arrow PowerShot Staple and Brad Nail Gun Arrow HT55BL Hammer Tacker
The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools. The instantly recognizable PowerShot? 5700 has patented ergonomic design that allows the operator to push against the handle rather than squeeze, delivering easy, consistent performance and high precision. The 5700 also features a rugged die-cast aluminum body, a classic rear load magazine and a staple viewing window to indicate when staples are running low. The HT55BL was developed for home DIY users who need a dependable yet economical tool. It features a soft, ergonomic comfort handle and lightweight stamped steel body making it easy to handle for the occasional user. The convenient quick load magazine makes reloading and clearing jams so easy that users can do it one-handed ideal for when on a roof or in a tight space.
HAMMER STAPLE/TACKER HD       Stanley MR100CG Contractor Grade Riveter Stanley MR55C5 Right Angle Riveter
The Vulcan stapler/tracker is made of steel, heavy-duty and has an anti-slip grip handle. The heavy-duty Riveter is designed for use with aluminum, steel and stainless steel rivets in a wide range of applications, including metalworking, builder/remodeler, plumbing, mechanical and more. It includes four nose pieces and a nose piece wrench for versatility and easy change out for different rivet diameters. With its rugged, die-cast metal construction, long handle and removable ejector spring, this is an essential tool for your next riveting project. Providing quick, reliable ways to install steel, aluminum and stainless steel pop rivets, the right-angle riveter uses a variety of rivet sizes to make it the right tool for almost any job.
Arrow RHT300 Twister Rivet Tool Stanley MR77C Swivel Head Riveter Ramset 1524 Drive Pin
The Arrow RHT300 swivel head rivet tool is a true professional rivet tool with a full 360 deg swivel head and extended nose design that makes riveting in difficult corners, angles and tight spaces fast and easy. The tool features rugged all steel construction, spring loaded handles for easy loading, soft vinyl hand grips, four different size nose pieces, nose changing wrench and convenient handle lock for easy storage. The Stanley swivel-head manual riveter offers both right-angle and straight-on riveting with a simple twist of the rivet head. The tool is constructed of die-cast metal for durability. This rivet tool features a long handle to make it easier to squeeze with less effort. Ramset Drive Pin, 0.3 in Diameter Head, 0.145 in Shank Diameter, Plated, 3 in Length
Ramset Drive Pin, Head Diameter: 0.3 in, Steel With 7/8 in washer to prevent overdrive and to increase holding value when fastening wood or thin metal to concrete or structural steel. Fits all Ramset, Hilti, Remington and most powder actuated tools that use 22 cal single shots, 27 cal 10 shot strips and 25 cal discs. Shank diameter of 0.145 in. The hand rivet tool installs pull rivets in thin materials using only one hand. This is most widely used for connecting suspended ceiling grids and like materials. Also useful for many jobs around the shop.
DeWalt DWHTTR350 Staple/Nail Gun Arrow T50 Monel Staple JT21 214 Flat Crown Staple
The heavy-duty staple and brad tacker can be squeezed easily, has an AntiJam? mechanism to help prevent misfires and is made of aluminum which is lightweight and durable. The T50 genuine Arrow staples are made from quality rustproof monel, ensuring your stapling is precise, strong and long-lasting and ideal for marine applications. Works ideally with Arrow staple guns and also compatible other stapler brands including PowerShot?, Craftsman?, Black & Decker?, STANLEY? and Ace?. JT21 staples are the T50's little brother. Although often referred to as light duty, there's really nothing "Light" about them. Built with the same quality and precision as the T50, these staples utilize a thinner wire in a smaller staple format to deliver great holding power. They are exceptionally easy to fire, making JT21 staples a favorite with crafters, women and those with limited grip strength. Used for general home repairs, crafting, art projects and upholstery. Still proudly made in the USA.
JT21 215 Flat Light Duty Crown Staple Arrow Fastener 256  Staples Arrow Fastener 257  Staples
Arrow Staple, Crown Shape: Flat, Crown Width: 7/16 in, Leg Length: 5/16 in, Material Gauge: 0.03 ga, Steel, Suitable for: TT21, JT21CM, JT27 Tools T25 staples feature a round crown design that secures wires without damaging them. The leading choice for low voltage wire applications, the T25 staple is an absolute boss when installing garage door openers, thermostat wire, doorbell wire, alarm systems and much more. Also works great on computer, CAT5/CAT6. RG6/RG9, COAX and phone cables. All Arrow T25 staples are made under strict quality controls at our Saddle Brook, NJ manufacturing plant. For use in No. T-25 low voltage wire staple gun tacker.
Powercrown STCR50191/4-1M Crown Staple JT21 276 Flat Crown Staple Ramset 1524SDP Washered Pin
7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000. JT21 staples are the T50's little brother. Although often referred to as light duty, there's really nothing "Light" about them. Built with the same quality and precision as the T50, these staples utilize a thinner wire in a smaller staple format to deliver great holding power. They are exceptionally easy to fire, making JT21 staples a favorite with crafters, women and those with limited grip strength. Used for general home repairs, crafting, art projects and upholstery. Still proudly made in the USA. Ramset Drive Pin, 0.3 in Diameter Head, 3 in Length
PIN DRIVE HD W/WSHR 0.3X2-1/2 Arrow T25 Wire Tacker Arrow HT55 Professional Hammer Tacker
Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation. The fasteners are also available in with a mechanically galvanized (MG) coating for use in treated lumber. A favorite tool of professional installers, the T25 is Arrow's best-selling wiring staple gun. It features an all chromed steel housing, jam-resistant rear load mechanism, powerful coil spring, cushioned grip, grooved wire guide to protect wires against damage and curved blade for consistent stapling performance. Proudly made in the USA. Perfect for all low voltage wire applications including alarm systems, garage doors, thermostats, doorbells and more. The HT55 is Arrow's top-selling slim Hammer tacker. The lightweight, stamped steel housing is precisely balanced to deliver quick, powerful strikes. The ergonomic rubber handle with integrated hand stop means the operator's hand won't slip and a rugged rear load magazine holds two full strips of staples, minimizing downtime for reloading. HT55 is great for insulation, flooring and roofing applications where speed and ease of use are key.
Arrow Fastener 259  Staples PIN DRIVE HEAD W/WSHR 0.3X3IN FASTNING PIN MECH GALV 2-1/2IN
For use in No. T-25 low voltage wire staple gun tacker. Drive pins with a 0.3 in Dia head are designed for permanently fastening a fixture to concrete, concrete over steel deck, concrete masonry walls and A36 or A572/A992 structural steel. The fasteners are manufactured with a 0.145 in Dia shank in various lengths. Knurled shank designs are available for installations in thick steel base materials. A plastic flute is mounted on the pin shank to retain the drive pin in the barrel of the tool and provide guidance during the driving operation. The fasteners are also available in with a mechanically galvanized (MG) coating for use in treated lumber. The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1? washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools.
FASTNING PIN MECH GALV 2-7/8IN Stanley TRE550 Electric Corded Staple/Brad Nail Gun Ramset HD222 Hammer Drive Tool
The PDPAWL is a powder-actuated washered pin designed to fasten building components to concrete, steel and CMU. The PDPAWL consists of a hardened-steel PDPA pin preassembled with a 1 in washer that provides additional bearing surface for enhanced upload resistance. The PDPAWL is designed for use with Simpson Strong-Tie? powder-actuated tool systems as well as other common tools. Heavy duty design with more driving power. All metal drive channel for better penetration. Duel power (Hi/Low) for hard and soft materials. Flush-nose design for stapling in tough spots. 8 in cord. Ramset Hammer Drive Tool, Single Shot
TACKER MULTI-FUNC 5-N-1 ALUM  DeWalt DWHTHT450 Hammer Tacker Stanley CT10X 2-In-1 Cable Tacker
The 5-in-1 multi-tacker can be easily squeezed, has an AntiJam? mechanism to help prevent misfires and is made of aluminum which is lightweight and durable. Lightweight die-cast aluminum housing design for durability. Anti-jam magazine prevents jams and misfires. Heavy-duty stapling mechanism for durability. Surface guard to prevent damage to underlayment material. Ergonomic design is weighted forward for comfortable use. Uses DeWALT? DWHTTH700 series heavy-duty staples, available sizes of 5/16 in (8 mm), 3/8 in (10 mm) and 1/2 in (12 mm), also uses same range of Stanley TRA700 series heavy-duty staples plus Arrow T-50 heavy-duty staples. The Stanley? 1/4 in heavy-duty cable tacker takes both round crown and flat crown stapes with a patented anti-jam mechanism. Easy to squeeze with hi/lo power adjustment, lightweight aircraft-aluminum housing and built-in wire guide.
FatMax PHT250C Hammer Tacker Arrow Tomahawk HT50DS Hammer Tacker Arrow R.E.D T50RED Professional Electric Staple/Nail Gun
The STANLEY Fatmax? hammer tacker driver mechanism is a true time-saver, delivering more than 500,000 cycles and featuring an anti-jam mechanism and surface guard. The bottom-load, high-capacity magazine accepts up to two full sticks or staples. Chrome-plated steel construction frame and comfort grip. An iconic American tool since the 1950's, the HT50 is still proudly made in the USA with a chromed steel housing, all steel working parts hardened in a 1500 deg furnace and a high impact sure-grip handle. Its reliable and time-proven rear load magazine holds two full strips of T50 staples to minimize loading time. For roofing, insulation, housewrap and other professional jobs, there is simply no substitute. The Arrow T50RED professional manual staple gun is a great multi-purpose stapler and brad nail gun for the tradesmen or DIY with both power and versatility and an easy-to-squeeze design. Providing up to 40% more power and 50% easier to squeeze for heavy-duty staples or brad nails, it has a quick-bottom-load and hi/low power settings.
Arrow HTX50 Professional Fire Hammer Tacker STAPLE GUN ELECTRIC DIY       Stinger 136450 Lightweight Hammer Tacker
The HTX50 delivers the proven performance of the HT50 with upgraded ergonomics. The high impact molded handle with rubber anti-slip hand grip delivers confidence and performance on any job. A unique handle guard protects the operator's hand from mishaps and the rear loading, two strip capacity magazine minimizes reloading breaks. A chromed steel housing and hardened steel working parts complete this tool's impressive features. Unlike traditional electric tools, Arrow's breakthough T50ACD electric stapler delivers consistent driving performance regardless of jobsite current fluctuations - even on a 100 ft extension cord. A patent pending motor drive replaces the traditional solenoid design and frees the tool from dependence on a narrow range of power specifications. The result is maximum power with every shot. T50ACD also features a convenient bottom load magazine with quick release feature, a soft overmolded grip, contact safety, oversize trigger and staple viewing window. An ideal tool for installing roofing felt, housewrap and insulation, lightweight and easy to maneuver, but constructed with heavy-duty steel for durability. The tool features an anti-slip, ergonomic rubber handle to help with ease of use. Holds 168 staples. Recommended for use with "Stinger" 3/8 in A-11 staples for top performance. Compatible with 1/4 in to 3/8 in staple sizes. Quick-load magazine.
HAMMER/TACKER CARBON FIBER    Bostitch PowerCrown H30-8 Hammer Tacker Bostitch PowerCrown H30-8D6 Slammer Hammer Tacker
The DeWALT? carbon fiber composite hammer tacker features a lightweight carbon fiber composite structure. This reduction in overall weight and vibration allows for a longer duration of work with less muscle exertion. This PowerCrown? hammer tacker features a die-cast frame and hardened steel components to offer durability and with tool-free jam removal and a quick load magazine is convenient and easy-to-use. This PowerCrown? hammer tacker with holster a die-cast frame and hardened steel components to offer durability and with tool-free jam removal and a quick load magazine is convenient and easy-to-use.
Stanley-Bostitch STCR50199/16-1 Power Crown Staples STAPLER MANUAL COMP 1/4-9/16IN Senco PC0700 Hammer Stapler
7/16 in crown. For use with Bostitch PC1000, PC2000, PC4000, PC5000, H30-8 and P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-4M and STCR50191/2-1M do not fit H30-8 or P6C-8 tackers. STCR50191/2-1M also fits PC3000. Duo-Fast Manual Compression Stapler, Magazine Capacity: 84, Staple Type: Crown, Crown Width: 1/2 in, Leg Length: 1/4 to 9/16 in, Staple Finish: Galvanized, Steel, Dimensions: 7-3/8 in L x 6-11/16 in H For Insulation, vapor barriers and felt roofing. Drives 20 ga staples with 7/16 crown and 3/8 length.
Stinger 136420 Cap Staple Stinger CH38 136400 Cap Hammer Stapler Bostitch PowerSlam PC2K Hammer Tacker
Plastic cap staples for roofing and sidewall applications. Offers better holding power. Caps are a recommended practice to seal out moisture. Use with 702.5174, 611.8159 and 679.8839. For residential roofing and sidewall applications. The first hammer tacker to deliver a cap and staple. Easy-to-use - just pull the trigger and drive it in. Gets the job done for a fraction of the cost of a pneumatic tool. Promotes best practice installation. Capacity of 168 caps to 168 staples, full 1 in plastic cap, A11 fasteners, 3/8 in staples. Weighs 2.6 lb. AntiJam' design for maximum productivity. Long reach knuckle saver handle with non-slip comfort grip. Die-cast frame and hardened components for extreme durability. High-capacity bottom load magazine with staple count indicator. Extra-wide foot plate prevents tearing and marring. Uses STCR5019, Sku # 744.7915, 'PowerCrown' staples. Use for roofing felt, tar paper, house wrap, insulation, carpet pad and plastic sheeting. Weighs 2.2 lb and stores up to 168 staples (2 full sticks).
STAPLE GUN CORDLESS 3.6V LITH STAPLER HMR TACKER 5/32-5/16IN Arrow ET200D Electric Corded Nail Gun
The new T50DCD is cordless stapler like no other. Its internal 3.6 V Lithium-Ion battery platform combines with Arrow's new breakthrough design to deliver 500 full power shots on every full charge - 25% more than competitive cordless tools. The result is maximum power per shot and more shots per charge. T50DCD also features a battery indicator light, convenient bottom-load magazine with quick release feature, a soft overmolded grip, contact safety, oversized trigger and a staple viewing window. Duo-Fast Manual Hammer Tacker, Magazine Capacity: 168, Staple Type: Crown, Crown Width: 1/2 in, Leg Length: 5/32 to 5/16 in, Staple Finish: Galvanized, Steel, Dimensions: 11-1/4 in L x 1-3/8 in W x 3-3/4 in H The Arrow ET200BN brad nailer does it all. The tool's adjustable depth control knob allows the operator to set the correct amount of power for every job, matching the size of the brad nail and the materials being nailed together. Ideal for wood trim and lattice work, the ET200BN features a soft comfort grip, oversized trigger, contact safety, 6 ft power cord and convenient quick release magazine.
Ramset ITW Single Shot Powder Actuated Power Hammer FSTNG TOOL SNGL ST HMR 0.22CAL STAPLE NAIL GUN ELECTRIC PRO
Ramset 40066 Trigger Shot
Our Price: $64.99
Use the trigger shot tool for fastening to concrete, masonry and steel. Easy-to-use and great for wall applications and between studs. The positive barrel and load retention will prevent the barrel from opening freely, allowing for easy overhead and horizontal fastening. Uses the 0.22 caliber "Ramset" loads. After each use the power load will automatically eject, allowing you to quickly complete your jobs. The PT-22HA is a small, powder-actuated direct fastening tool. The design includes a large strike point and comfortable grip, making it ideal for a range of DIY projects. This easy-to-use tool is hammer-activated and engineered for low maintenance. Unlike traditional electric tools, Arrow's breakthrough T50AC electric stapler delivers consistent Pro grade performance regardless of jobsite current fluctuations - even on a 100 ft extension cord. A patent pending motor drive replaces the traditional solenoid design and frees the tool from dependence on a narrow range of power specifications. The result is maximum Pro power with every shot. T50AC also features a convenient bottom load magazine with quick release feature, a soft overmolded grip, contact safety and an oversize trigger. Additional features include an integrated LED work light, indicator light to show when staples are low and storage case.
ACTUATED LOW VELOCITY .22CAL  T50 506SS1 Flat Crown Staple Stinger CH38 136401 Cap Hammer Stapler
The BP307S is a low velocity powder actuated, single shot, 0.22 caliber tool which can be used to install 0.3 in to 0.315 in head drive pins and 1/4 -20 threaded studs, up to 3 in total length. The BP307S is designed for maintenance, residential and commercial contractors. T50 staples are the world's top-selling heavy-duty staple platform. Made to deliver exceptional holding power, these staples are used for all heavy-duty stapling applications - from installing insulation, housewraps and roofing underlayments to upholstering fine furniture and window treatments. A true workhorse of a fastener, Arrow T50 staples are made to precise specifications on state-of-the-art equipment at our manufacturing plant in Saddle Brook, NJ, USA. National Nail Cap Hammer Stapler
Ramset 40088 Powder Actuated Hammer FSTNG TOOL SNGL ST TRG 0.22CAL LOAD SHOT SNGL ND BRN 0.22CAL
Ramset 40088 Hammer Tool
Our Price: $99.99
The MasterShot makes attachments to concrete and steel quietly. Its silencing feature and a cushioned, ergonomic grip offer user comfort. The PT-22A is a powder-actuated tool that uses 0.22 caliber a crimp loads, has single-shot firing action and is engineered for continuous use, high-reliability and low maintenance.
DeWALT offers high-quality powder loads, designed for consistently and reliability. Specific load types are designed for each caliber powder actuated tool. They are offered as single cartridge units for single shot tools and also collated in groups of 10 into plastic strips for semi-automatic tools.
DeWALT offers high-quality powder loads, designed for consistently and reliability. Specific load types are designed for each caliber powder actuated tool. They are offered as single cartridge units for single shot tools and also collated in groups of 10 into plastic strips for semi-automatic tools. DeWALT offers high-quality powder loads, designed for consistently and reliability. Specific load types are designed for each caliber powder actuated tool. They are offered as single cartridge units for single shot tools and also collated in groups of 10 into plastic strips for semi-automatic tools.
Blue Point Fasteners Low Velocity Load, 0.27 Caliber, Power Level: #5, Load Type: Long Strip, Brass, Red Color Code, 6.8 mm Diameter, 11 mm Length, Suitable for: BP301, BP450, POWERS P3500, PA3500, P3600, RAMSET SA270, Viper, Cobra, Rocket, XT540, Hilti DX350, DX36M, DX451, DX460 27 Caliber Powder-Actuated Tools DeWALT offers high-quality powder loads, designed for consistently and reliability. Specific load types are designed for each caliber powder actuated tool. They are offered as single cartridge units for single shot tools and also collated in groups of 10 into plastic strips for semi-automatic tools.
LOAD ACTUATED PWDR YEL 0.22CAL Ramset CW Single Shot Powder Load Ramset CW Single Shot Powder Load
DeWALT offers high-quality powder loads, designed for consistently and reliability. Specific load types are designed for each caliber powder actuated tool. They are offered as single cartridge units for single shot tools and also collated in groups of 10 into plastic strips for semi-automatic tools. ITW Ramset powder loads and tools match tolerances to provide optimum power within recognized national velocity standards. Power level is designated by the load level number marked on each box also by the color of the box and each powder load. As the number increases, the power level increases. ITW Ramset powder loads and tools match tolerances to provide optimum power within recognized national velocity standards. Power level is designated by the load level number marked on each box also by the color of the box and each powder load. As the number increases, the power level increases.
The BP301C is engineered and designed as a low velocity, semi-automatic 0.27 caliber tool that can be used to install 0.300/8 mm headed drive pins and 1/4 in-20 threaded studs, up to 2-1/2 in total length. This tool is designed for high-speed use and repetitive applications throughout the contractors work hours. The P3500 is a low velocity, semi-automatic 0.27 caliber tool which can be used to install 0.3 in head drive pins, 8 mm head drive pins and 1/4-20 threaded studs, up to 3 in total length. The P3500 is designed for high speed, durability and repetitive volume applications. The PT-27 is a semi-automatic and fast-cycling fastening tool that is engineered for continuous use, high-reliability and low maintenance. This versatile tool fires a variety of fastener types and lengths.
Blue Point Fasteners Powder Actuated Tool, Control Type: Semi-Automatic, Dimensions: 13-3/4 in L The DFD270 0.27 caliber fully-automatic powder actuated tool is designed for structural use in commercial steel and concrete applications. The nailer drives both 8 mm and 0.300 in head fasteners and clips in lengths of 1/2 in to 2-7/8 in, as well as 1/4 in threaded studs. It is powered by a standard 0.27 caliber (short) safety strip load. A power dial allows for adjustment within 0.27 caliber load colors. Tool-free disassembly allows for easy cleaning and maintenance. The DFD270 tool features automatic piston return and load indexing between fastenings, making it ideal for high-capacity commercial applications. With the addition of the DFD2703 Accessory Magazine, the tool can also fasten collated pins. Kit includes tool, magazine nose piece, single shot nose piece, cleaning kit, spall guard and kit box. Blue Point Fasteners Low Velocity Single Shot Load, Caliber Load: 0.22, Power Level: #4, Load Type: Neck Down, Number of Loads: 1, Brass, Color Code: Yellow, 5.6 mm Dia, 16 mm L, Suitable for: BP307, BP720, POWERS P1000, P2201, RAMSET 721, M70, HILTIDXE37, DXE72, SIMPSONPT22, PT22H Powder-Actuated Tools
Blue Point Fasteners Low Velocity Single Shot Load, Caliber Load: 0.22, Power Level: #3, Load Type: Neck Down, Number of Loads: 1, Brass, Color Code: Green, 5.6 mm Dia, 16 mm L, Suitable for: BP307, BP720, POWERS P1000, P2201, RAMSET 721, M70, HILTIDXE37, DXE72, SIMPSONPT22, PT22H Powder-Actuated Tools Blue Point Fasteners Low Velocity Load, Caliber Load: 0.27, Power Level: #4, Load Type: Long Strip, Color Code: Yellow, 6.8 mm Dia, 11 mm L, Suitable for: BP301, BP450, POWERS P3500, PA3500, P3600, RAMSET SA270, Viper, Cobra, Rocket, XT540, Hilti DX350, DX36M, DX451, DX460 27 Caliber Powder-Actuated Tools