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Pro-Fit 0084098 Underlay Nail Pro-Fit 0096078 Exterior Joist Hanger Nail Pro-Fit 0096098 Exterior Joist Hanger Nail
ProFIT Underlayment Nail, 1-1/2 in L, Steel, Brite, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 13/64 in, Nails per Pound: 310, Point Type: Diamond Use for metal hangers to wood. Hot-dipped galvanized for exterior use. Meets ASTM A-153. Use for metal hangers to wood. Hot-dipped galvanized for exterior use. Meets ASTM A-153.
Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors. Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors. ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 109, Package Weight: 1 lb
Pro-fit 0132048 Roofing Nail Pro-fit 0132138 Roofing Nail Pro-fit 0132058 Roofing Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 7/8 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 288, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 136, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 261, Package Weight: 1 lb
Pro-Fit 0132178 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0132098 Exterior Roofing Nail Pro-fit 0132118 Roofing Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 3 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 93, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 194, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-3/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 155, Package Weight: 1 lb
Pro-Fit 0132078 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0084078 Underlay Nail Pro-Fit 0058178 Finish Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 209, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Underlayment Nail, 1-1/4 in L, Steel, Brite, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 13/64 in, Nails per Pound: 332, Point Type: Diamond Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important.
Pro-Fit 0058098 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0058158 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0058078 Finish Nail
Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important.
Pro-Fit 0058198 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0058138 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0065178 Interior Sinker Nail
Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. ProFIT Sinker Nail, 10D, 2-7/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 9/32 in, Nails per Pound: 105, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.148 in
Pro-Fit 0065188 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065138 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065098 Interior Sinker Nail
ProFIT Sinker Nail, 12D, 3-1/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 5/16 in, Nails per Pound: 76, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Sinker Nail, 6D, 1-7/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 15/64 in, Nails per Pound: 266, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.12 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 4D, 1-3/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 13/64 in, Nails per Pound: 469, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 7/64 in
Pro-Fit 0065158 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065198 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065208 Interior Sinker Nail
ProFIT Sinker Nail, 8D, 2-3/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 141, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.134 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 16D, 3-1/4 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 62, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.165 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 20D, 3-3/4 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 41, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 13/64 in
Pro-Fit 0053178 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053138 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053198 Interior Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0053098 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053208 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053188 Interior Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0053158 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0077198 Duplex Nail Pro-Fit 0077158 Scaffold Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Used for scaffolding, foundation, column and other concrete forms and temporary lumber construction. Easy to pull. Saves time and lumber. Used for scaffolding, foundation, column and other concrete forms and temporary lumber construction. Easy to pull. Saves time and lumber.
Pro-Fit 004158 Exterior Siding Nail Pro-Fit 0079118 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 79098 Fence Staple
For applying wood and hardboard siding to wood structures. 9 ga 1/4 in Head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts.
Pro-Fit 80038 Poultry Net Staple Pro-Fit 79078 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 0162138 Finish Nail
For the installation of wire fencing to wooden posts. Galvanized for corrosion resistance. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important.
Pro-Fit 0162158 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0162098 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0054208 Exterior Common Nail
Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0054138 Exterior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054098 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054198 Exterior Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0054178 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054158 Exterior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054188 Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0166088 Interior Drywall Nail Pro-Fit 3075088T Drywall Nail Pro-Fit 0069158 Roofing Nail
12-1/2 ga, 5/16 head. Used for nailing drywall to wood. ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-3/8 in L, Steel, Phosphate-Coated, Head Type: Cupped, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 5/16 in, Nails per Pound: 335, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 106, Package Weight: 1 lb
Pro-Fit 69138 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 69098 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0069078 Roofing Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 120, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 163, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 196, Package Weight: 1 lb
Pro-Fit 69058 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 069038 Roofing Nail Stormguard Split-Less S225A112 Hand Driven Siding Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 254, Package Weight: 1 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 3/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 282, Package Weight: 1 lb Specially designed for split-prone woods such as cedar and redwood. Slim, sturdy shank and special blunt point virtually eliminate splits. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Checkered head enhances paint adhesion on color matched nails. High count greatly reduces per nail cost. Especially popular for sidings scheduled for finishing with paints or pigmented stains.
Pro-Fit 0051038 Poultry Net Staple Pro-Fit 0050118 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 0050058 Fence Staple
Used to attach poultry netting to wood. Size of 13 ga. 3/16 in head. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts.
National Nail 0050098 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 0050078 Fence Staple CONN NAIL SMTH HDG 8DX1-1/2IN
9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors.
Pro-Fit 0057098 Exterior Box Nail Pro-Fit 57178 Box Nail Pro-Fit 0057198 Exterior Box Nail
ProFIT Box Nail, 4D, 1-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 7/32 in, Nails per Pound: 374, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 7/64 in ProFIT Box Nail, 10D, 3 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 5/16 in, Nails per Pound: 85, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Box Nail, 16D, 3-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 67, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.165 in
Pro-Fit 0057158 Exterior Box Nail Pro-Fit 0057138 Exterior Box Nail Pro-Fit 0093098 Square Cut Masonry Nail
ProFIT Box Nail, 8D, 2-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Nails per Pound: 119, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.134 in ProFIT Box Nail, 6D, 2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 214, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.12 in Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Pro-Fit 0059138 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0059198 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0059098 Finish Nail
Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important.
Pro-Fit 0059178 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0059158 Finish Nail Pro-Fit 0093158 Square Cut Masonry Nail
Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Pro-Fit 0093178 Square Cut Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0168118 Roofing Nail With Neoprene Washer Pro-Fit 0063198 Casing Nail
Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. ProFIT Neo Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Point Type: Diamond, 1-3/4 in L, Material Gauge: 10 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 123, Package Weight: 1 lb Finish nails are used for trim and fine finishing work where a smaller, less visible head is desired. PRO-FIT? finish nails come in three basic styles finish, casing and hardened trim. They are used to set door and window frames, apply trim and in other applications where appearance is important.
Pro-Fit 0010198 Deck Nail Pro-Fit 0010158 Deck Nail Pro-Fit 0010178 Deck Nail
ProFIT Deck Nail, 16D, 3-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 59, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Deck Nail, 8D, 2-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 130, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Deck Nail, 10D, 3 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 9/32 in, Nails per Pound: 94, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 0061088 Interior Drywall Nail Pro-Fit 0061078 Interior Drywall Nail Pro-Fit 061108 Drywall Nail
ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-3/8 in L, Steel, Brite, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Nails per Pound: 320, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-1/4 in L, Steel, Brite, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Nails per Pound: 339, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-5/8 in L, Brite, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Nails per Pound: 260, Point Type: Diamond
Plasti-Top 0135115 Roofing Nail Plasti-Top 0135155 Roofing Nail Plasti-Top 0135175 Roofing Nail
Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe.
Plasti-Top 0135135 Roofing Nail Plasti-Top 0135095 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0029158 Interior Masonry Nail
Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Pro-Fit 0029098 Interior Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0029138 Interior Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0029077 Heat Treated Masonry Nail
Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Temper hardened steel. Used for nailing lumber to concrete and masonry.
Pro-Fit 0029058 Interior Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0029178 Interior Masonry Nail Plasti-Top 0135045 Roofing Nail
Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe.
Pro-Fit Plasti-Top 135075 Cap Nail Plasti-Top 0135055 Roofing Nail Maze Nail SST31128252 Trim Nail
Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. Flexible round head conforms to surface making it difficult for water to get under the cap. Can be used for roofing felt, sheathing, polyethylene, roll roofing, re-roofing, chicken wire, wire lathe. High-quality painted trim nails for use with trim coil, soffit and fascia. Available painted in many different colors pre-matched to coil manufacturer's colors. These nails have a checkered head.
Pro-Fit 0132045 Exterior Roofing Nail BRAD NAIL T-STYL SS 18GA 1-1/4 Pro-Fit 0132155 Roofing Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 7/8 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 288, Package Weight: 5 lb These 18 ga stainless-steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for great corrosion-resistance. ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 109, Package Weight: 5 lb
Pro-Fit 0132175 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0132055 Exterior Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0132075 Exterior Roofing Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 3 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 93, Package Weight: 5 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 261, Package Weight: 5 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 209, Package Weight: 5 lb
Pro-Fit 0132095 Exterior Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0132115 Exterior Roofing Nail BRAD NAIL T-STYL SS 18GA 1-1/2
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 194, Package Weight: 5 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-3/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 155, Package Weight: 5 lb These 18 ga stainless-steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for great corrosion-resistance.
Pro-Fit 0132135 Exterior Roofing Nail NAIL SIDNG RS 13GA 304SS 2IN#1 NAIL TRIM 304SS WHITE 1-1/4IN
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 136, Package Weight: 5 lb ProFIT Siding Nail, 6D, 2 in L, 304 Stainless Steel, Head Type: Checkered Brad, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 0.15625 in, Nails per Pound: 237, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Trim Nail, 1-1/4 in L, 304 Stainless Steel, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Smooth, White, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Nails per Pound: 619, Point Type: Diamond
NAIL TRIM 304SS BROWN 1-1/4IN NAIL TRIM 304SS CLAY 1-1/4IN  Hillman 532590 Box Nail
ProFIT Trim Nail, 1-1/4 in L, 304 Stainless Steel, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Smooth, Brown, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Nails per Pound: 619, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Trim Nail, 1-1/4 in L, 304 Stainless Steel, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Smooth, Clay, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Nails per Pound: 619, Point Type: Diamond Bright box nails are used for framing and general construction applications. They have a flat head which sits flush on the surface when driven into wood and are usually a lighter gauge than common nails. These bright, polished nails have a flat head and a smooth, thin shank to prevent wood splitting.
Round-Top 0127055 Roofing Nail Simpson Strong-tie S8SND1 Siding Nail Hillman 122536 Trim Nail
1 in head. Preferred nail for securing paper, house wrap materials, poly or foam. Highest quality nails for cedar, redwood and cypress siding materials. High tensile nickel/chromium stainless steel will last the life of wood siding without degradation ever. Slender gauge and blunt diamond point minimize splitting. Generous under-head fillet allows nails to be driven flush or countersunk without crushing surrounding wood. Checker pattern head blends with wood texture and serves to diffract sunlight. Annular ring threads preclude cupping of siding boards and nail-head popping. Use 316 Stainless steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance. Zinc trim nails are designed with a twisted body and sharp edge that easily penetrates solid surfaces. Ideal for applying wood trim to door and window casings, these nails can be used in any project where small nails are required. Also great for small wood and craft projects, trim nails are commonly used for hardwood molding applications.
Hillman 122537 Trim Nail Pro-Fit 69095 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 96075 Joist Hanger Nail
Brass trim nails are designed with a twisted body and sharp edge that easily penetrates solid surfaces. Ideal for applying wood trim to door and window casings, these nails can be used in any project where small nails are required. Also great for small wood and craft projects, trim nails are commonly used for hardwood molding applications. ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 163, Package Weight: 5 lb Use for metal hangers to wood. Hot-dipped galvanized for exterior use. Meets ASTM A-153.
TRIM NAIL SS WHT 15GA 1-1/4IN Pro-Fit 0053198 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0077195 Scaffold Nail
Simpson Strong-Tie Trim Nail, Size: 3D, 1-1/4 in Length, Stainless Steel Popular for general rough framing and construction. Used for scaffolding, foundation, column and other concrete forms and temporary lumber construction. Easy to pull. Saves time and lumber.
Pro-Fit 0077155 Scaffold Nail Pro-Fit 0069075 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 69135 Roofing Nail
Used for scaffolding, foundation, column and other concrete forms and temporary lumber construction. Easy to pull. Saves time and lumber. ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 1-1/4 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 196, Package Weight: 5 lb ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 2 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 120, Package Weight: 5 lb
Pro-Fit 069175 Roofing Nail Bullseye AT3-1258 Hand Driven Trim Nail Bullseye AT3-1251 Hand Driven Trim Nail
ProFIT Hand Drive Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Point Type: Diamond, 3 in L, Material Gauge: 11 ga, Steel, Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 90, Package Weight: 5 lb Our quality paint finish is a special baking enamel for fine durability. Made from 0.101 in wire with 3/16 in flat heads. Our quality paint finish is a special baking enamel for fine durability. Made from 0.101 in wire with 3/16 in flat heads.
BRAD NAIL T-STYLE SS 18GA 2IN Pro-Fit 0053155 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053175 Interior Common Nail
These 18 ga stainless-steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for great corrosion-resistance. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0053185 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053195 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053205 Interior Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
NAIL CAP TIN 2-3/4 IN 5LB     Pro-Fit 004135 Siding Nail Pro-Fit 0004155 Exterior Siding Nail
ProFIT Tin Tab, Head Type: Round, 2-3/4 in L, Metal, Brite, Approximate Nails per Pound: 90, Package Weight: 5 lb For applying wood and hardboard siding to wood structures. For applying wood and hardboard siding to wood structures.
Simpson Strong-tie S5SND1 Siding Nail Pro-Fit 0096095 Joist Hanger Nail National Nail 079095 Fence Staple
Highest quality nails for cedar, redwood and cypress siding materials. High tensile nickel/chromium stainless steel will last the life of wood siding without degradation ever. Slender gauge and blunt diamond point minimize splitting. Generous under-head fillet allows nails to be driven flush or countersunk without crushing surrounding wood. Checker pattern head blends with wood texture and serves to diffract sunlight. Annular ring threads preclude cupping of siding boards and nail-head popping. Use 316 Stainless steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance. Use for metal hangers to wood. Hot-dipped galvanized for exterior use. Meets ASTM A-153. 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts.
9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors. Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors.
CONNECTOR NAIL HDG 16DX3-1/2IN SIDING NAIL SS 14GA 3DX1-1/4IN Range Master 7466 Fence Staple
Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance. Used to install barbed wire and field fence.
Range Master 7468 Fence Staple Range Master 7467 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 0057135 Exterior Box Nail
Used to install barbed wire and field fence. Used to install barbed wire and field fence. ProFIT Box Nail, 6D, 2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 214, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.12 in
Pro-Fit 0057155 Exterior Box Nail Pro-Fit 0057195 Exterior Box Nail Pro-Fit 0065135 Sinker Nail
ProFIT Box Nail, 8D, 2-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Nails per Pound: 119, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.134 in ProFIT Box Nail, 16D, 3-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 67, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.165 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 6D, 1-7/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 15/64 in, Nails per Pound: 266, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 0065155 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065175 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065185 Interior Sinker Nail
ProFIT Sinker Nail, 8D, 2-3/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 141, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.134 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 10D, 2-7/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 9/32 in, Nails per Pound: 105, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.148 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 12D, 3-1/8 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 5/16 in, Nails per Pound: 76, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 0065195 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0065205 Interior Sinker Nail Pro-Fit 0053225 Common Nail
ProFIT Sinker Nail, 16D, 3-1/4 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 62, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 0.165 in ProFIT Sinker Nail, 20D, 3-3/4 in L, Vinyl-Coated, Head Type: Flat Countersunk, Shank Type: Round, Smooth, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 41, Point Type: Diamond, Shank Size: 13/64 in Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0053245 Common Nail Pro-Fit 3075085T Drywall Nail Deacero 7464/7479 Fence Lock Staple
Popular for general rough framing and construction. ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-3/8 in L, Phosphate-Coated, Head Type: Cupped, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 5/16 in, Nails per Pound: 335, Point Type: Diamond Used to install barbed wire and field fence. Locks easily to post. Manufactured of high tension steel wire and galvanized with a triple coating of zinc. Class 3. Meets ff-n-105b.
Deacero 7465/8506 Fence Lock Staple NAIL SIDNG RS 13GA 304SS 2-1/2 CONN NAIL SMTH HDG 8DX1-1/2IN
Used to install barbed wire and field fence. Locks easily to post. Manufactured of high tension steel wire and galvanized with a triple coating of zinc. Class 3. Meets ff-n-105b. ProFIT Siding Nail, 8D, 2-1/2 in L, 304 Stainless Steel, Head Type: Checkered Brad, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 1 lb, Head Size: 0.15625 in, Nails per Pound: 196, Point Type: Diamond Simpson Strong-Tie? connector nails are the ideal choice for Simpson Strong-Tie? connectors.
FINISHING NAIL 304SS 16GA 2IN Pro-Fit 0054205 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054135 Common Nail
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Collation Type: Adhesive, Straight, Head Type: Smooth, T-Style, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 16 ga, 0.065 in Dia, 2 in L, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: Bosch FNS250-16, Bostitch FN1664K, SB-1664FN, GFN1664K, DeWalt DC616K, D51257K, Duo-Fast FloorMaster 200-C, SureShot 764, Grip-Rite GRTFN250, Hitachi NT65A3, NT6GS, NT65M2, Max NF352-ST/16-50, Paslode T250S-F16, 902000 and Porter Cable FN250C Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0054155 Exterior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054175 Common Nail Pro-Fit 0054185 Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction. Popular for general rough framing and construction.
Pro-Fit 0054195 Exterior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053265 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0053275 Interior Common Nail
Popular for general rough framing and construction. Specialty nails are a collection of fastener solutions that fulfill unique requirements for specific applications. The PRO-FIT? specialty category includes drywall, duplex, flooring, joist hanger, lattice, pole barn, spikes, trim and underlayment nails. Specialty nails are a collection of fastener solutions that fulfill unique requirements for specific applications. The PRO-FIT? specialty category includes drywall, duplex, flooring, joist hanger, lattice, pole barn, spikes, trim and underlayment nails.
Pro-Fit 0053285 Interior Common Nail Pro-Fit 0165195 Deck Nail Pro-Fit 061085 Drywall Nail
Specialty nails are a collection of fastener solutions that fulfill unique requirements for specific applications. The PRO-FIT? specialty category includes drywall, duplex, flooring, joist hanger, lattice, pole barn, spikes, trim and underlayment nails. Use for exterior deck and railing. Meets ASTMA-153. ProFIT Drywall Nail, 1-3/8 in L, Brite, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Round, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 19/64 in, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 166085 Drywall Nail Pro-Fit 0168115 Roofing Nail Pro-Fit 0050075 Fence Staple
12-1/2 ga, 5/16 head. Used for nailing drywall to wood. ProFIT Neo Roofing Nail, Head Size: 7/16 in, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Point Type: Diamond, 1-3/4 in L, Material Gauge: 10 ga, Steel, Electro-Galvanized, Approximate Nails per Pound: 123, Package Weight: 5 lb 9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts.
National Nail 0050095 Fence Staple Pro-Fit 0033245 Log Spike Pro-Fit 0010175 Deck Nail
9 ga 1/4 in head. Use to fasten wire and fencing to wood posts. Specialty nails are a collection of fastener solutions that fulfill unique requirements for specific applications. The PRO-FIT? specialty category includes drywall, duplex, flooring, joist hanger, lattice, pole barn, spikes, trim and underlayment nails. ProFIT Deck Nail, 10D, 3 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 9/32 in, Nails per Pound: 94, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 0010155 Deck Nail Pro-Fit 0010195 Deck Nail STAPLE BBD FENCE 8G 8LB 1.75IN
ProFIT Deck Nail, 8D, 2-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 17/64 in, Nails per Pound: 130, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Deck Nail, 16D, 3-1/2 in L, Steel, Hot-Dipped Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Spiral, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 11/32 in, Nails per Pound: 59, Point Type: Diamond Barbed fence staples are made from premium 8 g Bezinal? coated wire. These Barbed fence staples feature single or double barbs to maintain fastening and provide easy driving. Shorter staple lengths are suitable for hardwood posts, while longer staple lengths are suitable for softwood posts.
Our barbed fence staples are made from premium 8 g Bezinal? coated wire. These barbed fence staples feature double barbs to maintain fastening and provide easy driving. Shorter staple lengths are suitable for hardwood posts, while longer staple lengths are suitable for softwood posts. Our barbed fence staples are made from premium 8 g Bezinal? coated wire. These barbed fence staples feature double barbs to maintain fastening and provide easy driving. Shorter staple lengths are suitable for hardwood posts, while longer staple lengths are suitable for softwood posts. Simpson Strong-Tie Shake and Shingle Siding Roofing Nail, Penny Size: 6D, 7/32 in Head, 0.092 in Shank, Checkered Head, Annular Ring Shank, Diamond Point, 2 in Length, 13 ga, Stainless Steel, Approximate Nails per Pound: 237, Package Weight: 1 lb
FNSHNG NAIL SS 12GA 6DX2-1/2IN Stormguard T4491A530 Hand Driven Deck Nail DECK NAIL SS 12GA 8D X 2-1/2IN
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 8D, 0.148 in Diameter Head, Brad Head, Diamond Point, Smooth Shank, 12 ga, 0.113 in Diameter, 2-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Ring shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc. The cedar and redwood decking nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail is designed for use in cedar and redwood decking projects and features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance. The small and compact head of this deck nail has a checker pattern that blends well with wood grain.
Simpson Strong-Tie Premium Siding Nail, Size: 3d, 1-1/4 in Length, Stainless Steel, Full Round Head, Annular Ring Shank, Package Quantity: 1 lb, 5/32 in Head, Nails per Pound: 495, Diamond Point, 0.083 in Shank The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance. Simpson Strong-Tie Premium Siding Nail, Size: 4d, 1-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Full Round Head, Annular Ring Shank, Package Quantity: 1 lb, 5/32 in Head, Nails per Pound: 398, Diamond Point, 0.083 in Shank
FNSHNG NAIL 316SS 13GA 6DX2IN Stormguard T447A530 Hand Driven Deck Nail Pro-Fit 3078155 Square Cut Masonry Nail
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 6D, 0.135 in Diameter Head, Brad Head, Diamond Point, Smooth Shank, 13 ga, 0.092 in Diameter, 2 in Length, Stainless Steel These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Ring shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Pro-Fit 3078175 Square Cut Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0029055 Heat Treated Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0029095 Heat Treated Masonry Nail
Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Pro-Fit 29155 Heat Treated Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 93155 Square Cut Heat Treated Masonry Nail Pro-Fit 0093175 Square Cut Heat Treated Masonry Nail
Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips. Masonry nails are hardened nails designed to be driven into concrete or the mortar used to hold together bricks or cement blocks. This rigidity also lends masonry nails to a wide variety of installations ranging from attaching plywood subfloor to securing carpet tack strips.
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 6d, Adhesive Collation, 20 deg Collation, T-Style Head, Chisel Point, 16 ga, 0.065 in Diameter, 2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: DeWalt? DC618K, Duo-Fast? FloorMaster 2505N, Hitachi? NT65GB Pneumatic Tool Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Collation Type: Adhesive, Straight, Head Type: Smooth, T-Style, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 16 ga, 0.065 in Dia, 2-1/2 in L, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: Bosch FNS250-16, Bostitch FN1664K, SB-1664FN, GFN1664K, DeWalt DC616K, D51257K, Duo-Fast FloorMaster 200-C, SureShot 764, Grip-Rite GRTFN250, Hitachi NT65A3, NT6GS, NT65M2, Max NF352-ST/16-50, Paslode T250S-F16, 902000 and Porter Cable FN250C Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 4D, 0.12 in Diameter Head, Brad Head, Diamond Point, Smooth Shank, 14 ga, 0.083 in Diameter, 1-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, 4D, Collation Type: Tape, Collation Angle: 33 deg, Head Type: D-Style, Smooth, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 15 ga, 0.072 in Dia, 1-1/2 in L, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: Bosch FNA250-15, DeWalt DC628K, D51276K, Grip-Rite GRTAN250, Hitachi NT65GA, NT65MA4, Makita AF633, Max NF550/15-65, Porter Cable DA250, Ridgid R250AFA, R250AF18, Senco Fusion F15, GT65DA and FinishPro42XP Pneumatic Tools Simpson Strong-Tie Siding Nail, Size: 8D, 2-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Full Round Head, Annular Ring Shank, White, Package Quantity: 1 lb, 5/32 in Head, Nails per Pound: 196, Diamond Point, 0.092 in Shank The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance.
Stormguard Split-Less S229A530 Hand Driven Siding Nail Stormguard R-164 Hand Driven Roofing Nail SIDING NAIL SS WHT 13GA 6DX2IN
Specially designed for split-prone woods such as cedar and redwood. Slim, sturdy shank and special blunt point virtually eliminate splits. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Checkered head enhances paint adhesion on color matched nails. High count greatly reduces per nail cost. Especially popular for sidings scheduled for finishing with paints or pigmented stains. Widely used for fastening corrugated metal roofing and siding. Also popular for aluminum and fiberglass products. These STORMGUARD? Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc after threading so no raw steel is exposed. EPDM rubber washers seal nail holes. Ring shanks hold tight. Simpson Strong-Tie Siding Nail, Size: 6d, 2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Full Round Head, Annular Ring Shank, White, 5/32 in Head, Nails per Pound: 245, Diamond Point, 0.092 in Shank
FINISHING NAIL SS 16GA 2-1/2IN FINISHING NAIL SS 15GA 6DX2IN Pro-Fit 090245 Heat Treated Pole Barn Nail
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 8d, Adhesive Collation, 20 deg Collation, T-Style Head, Chisel Point, 16 ga, 0.065 in Diameter, 2-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: DeWalt? DC618K, Duo-Fast? FloorMaster 2505N, Hitachi? NT65GB Pneumatic Tool Simpson Strong-Tie Collation Nail, Angle, Tape Collation, D-Style, Smooth Head, Chisel Point, 15 ga, 2 in Length, Stainless Steel ProFIT Pole Barn Nail, 60D, 6 in L, Steel, Brite, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 23, Point Type: Diamond
Pro-Fit 092205 Heat Treated Pole Barn Nail Pro-Fit 0092225 Heat Treated Pole Barn Nail Pro-Fit 0092245 Heat Treated Pole Barn Nail
ProFIT Pole Barn Nail, 20D, 4 in L, Steel, Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 35, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Pole Barn Nail, 40D, 5 in L, Steel, Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 27, Point Type: Diamond ProFIT Pole Barn Nail, 60D, 6 in L, Steel, Galvanized, Head Type: Flat, Shank Type: Ring, Package Quantity: 5 lb, Head Size: 3/8 in, Nails per Pound: 23, Point Type: Diamond
FNSHNG NAIL SS 15GA 8DX2-1/2IN BRAD NAIL T-STYL SS 18GA 1-1/4 Simpson Strong-tie S16PTD5 Deck/Common Nail
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Size: 8d, Tape Collation, 33 deg Collation, D-Style Head, Chisel Point, 15 ga, 0.072 in Diameter, 2-1/2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: Bosch? FNA250-15, DeWalt? DC628K, D51276K, Grip-Rite? GRTAN250 Pneumatic Tool These 18 ga stainless-steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for great corrosion-resistance. Annular ring threads provide secure attachment of cedar, redwood and other stable decking materials to deck joists and preclude nail head popping. Slender shanks permit nailing at board ends without splitting. Small unobtrusive checker pattern heads blend with wood grain and diffract sunlight. Note, choose 316 Stainless Steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance.
Simpson Strong-tie S8PTD5 Pressure Treated Deck/Common Nail BRAD NAIL T-STYL SS 18GA 1-1/2 SIDING NAIL SS 14GA 4DX1-1/2IN
Annular ring threads provide secure attachment of cedar, redwood and other stable decking materials to deck joists and preclude nail head popping. Slender shanks permit nailing at board ends without splitting. Small unobtrusive checker pattern heads blend with wood grain and diffract sunlight. Note, choose 316 Stainless Steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance. These 18 ga stainless-steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for great corrosion-resistance. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance.
Simpson Strong-tie S10SND5 Siding Nail Simpson Strong-tie S8SND5 Siding Nail NAIL STOPPER GALV 14GA 1-1/2X3
Highest quality nails for cedar, redwood and cypress siding materials. High tensile nickel/chromium stainless steel will last the life of wood siding without degradation ever. Slender gauge and blunt diamond point minimize splitting. Generous under-head fillet allows nails to be driven flush or countersunk without crushing surrounding wood. Checker pattern head blends with wood texture and serves to diffract sunlight. Annular ring threads preclude cupping of siding boards and nail-head popping. Use 316 Stainless steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance. Highest quality nails for cedar, redwood and cypress siding materials. High tensile nickel/chromium stainless steel will last the life of wood siding without degradation ever. Slender gauge and blunt diamond point minimize splitting. Generous under-head fillet allows nails to be driven flush or countersunk without crushing surrounding wood. Checker pattern head blends with wood texture and serves to diffract sunlight. Annular ring threads preclude cupping of siding boards and nail-head popping. Use 316 Stainless steel for seaside applications and excellent corrosion resistance. The NS is designed to prevent nails from piercing and damaging mechanical, electrical and plumbing pipes and lines. To protect supply lines, the nail stopper is installed over each point where utilities pass through framing members. The NS meets all building code requirements to provide protection against physical damage to utility lines.
Stormguard T-4491-A Hand Driven Deck Nail SIDING NAIL SS 14GA 3DX1-1/4IN Stormguard T447A112 Hand Driven Deck Nail
These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Ring shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance. These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Ring shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc.
Stormguard S257S112 Hand Driven Siding Nail BRAD NAIL T-STYLE SS 18GA 2IN Stormguard Split-Less S227A112 Hand Driven Siding Nail
These nails, made originally to the specifications of the early producers of hardboard siding, now have a multitude of other uses with other types of siding, trim, fencing, decking and more. They are great all-around nails. Extra stiff shank for easy driving. Self-seating heads. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. These 18 ga stainless steel collated finishing brads are designed with a small-footprint T-style head for use in projects that require a concealed finish. They come in a straight, adhesive collation making them easy to use with a number of pneumatic tools. The brads are available in a variety of standard lengths in either Type 304 stainless steel or Type 316 stainless steel for excellent corrosion resistance. Specially designed for split-prone woods such as cedar and redwood. Slim, sturdy shank and special blunt point virtually eliminate splits. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Checkered head enhances paint adhesion on color matched nails. High count greatly reduces per nail cost. Especially popular for sidings scheduled for finishing with paints or pigmented stains.
The NS is designed to prevent nails from piercing and damaging mechanical, electrical and plumbing pipes and lines. To protect supply lines, the nail stopper is installed over each point where utilities pass through framing members. The NS meets all building code requirements to provide protection against physical damage to utility lines. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance.
FINISHING NAIL SS 16GA 2-1/2IN Stormguard S259S112 Hand Driven Siding Nail SIDING NAIL SS WHT 13GA 6DX2IN
Simpson Strong-Tie Finishing Nail, Collation Type: Adhesive, Straight, Head Type: Smooth, T-Style, Point Type: Chisel, Material Gauge: 16 ga, 0.065 in Dia, 2-1/2 in L, Stainless Steel, Suitable for: Bosch FNS250-16, Bostitch FN1664K, SB-1664FN, GFN1664K, DeWalt DC616K, D51257K, Duo-Fast FloorMaster 200-C, SureShot 764, Grip-Rite GRTFN250, Hitachi NT65A3, NT6GS, NT65M2, Max NF352-ST/16-50, Paslode T250S-F16, 902000 and Porter Cable FN250C These nails, made originally to the specifications of the early producers of hardboard siding, now have a multitude of other uses with other types of siding, trim, fencing, decking and more. They are great all-around nails. Extra stiff shank for easy driving. Self-seating heads. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Simpson Strong-Tie Painted Siding Nail, Size: 6D, 2 in Length, Stainless Steel, Full Round Head, Annular Ring Shank, 5/32 in Head, Nails per Pound: 245, Diamond Point, 0.092 in Shank
Stormguard S255S112 Hand Driven Siding Nail Stormguard R-112 Hand Driven Trim Nail Maze Nail HT150112 Hand Driven Trim Nail
These nails, made originally to the specifications of the early producers of hardboard siding, now have a multitude of other uses with other types of siding, trim, fencing, decking and more. They are great all-around nails. Extra stiff shank for easy driving. Self-seating heads. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. These painted, hot-dipped galvanized nails are great for applying jamb seals on garage doors. Available in a variety of colors to match manufacturers colors. Pricing includes paint charges. These slim diameter hardwood trim nails are made from a HCS wire to ensure good driving into oak, birch, walnut and other hardwoods. There are many more nails per pound than with ordinary finish nails so they cost less to use and there are fewer wood splits.
Maze Nail HT-250 Hand Driven Trim Nail Stormguard R-112 Hand Driven Trim Nail Stormguard S203A112 Hand Driven Trim Nail
These slim diameter hardwood trim nails are made from a HCS wire to ensure good driving into oak, birch, walnut and other hardwoods. There are many more nails per pound than with ordinary finish nails so they cost less to use and there are fewer wood splits. These painted, hot-dipped galvanized nails are great for applying jamb seals on garage doors. Available in a variety of colors to match manufacturers colors. Pricing includes paint charges. Dependable STORMGUARD? double hot-dipped galvanized nails with our lifetime warranty provide long-term corrosion resistance for these long-lasting sidings. Checkered heads enhance paint adhesion. 1-1/2 in penetration into framing is recommended.
Maze Nail HT200112 Hand Driven Trim Nail Maze Nail H-61-S Hand Driven Hardened Masonry Nail Hardiplank HD-6 Hand Driven Siding Nail
These slim diameter hardwood trim nails are made from a HCS wire to ensure good driving into oak, birch, walnut and other hardwoods. There are many more nails per pound than with ordinary finish nails so they cost less to use and there are fewer wood splits. Round wire type. Made of high carbon steel, heat-treated and tempered. Designed for fastening furring strip, cleats, flood plates, partition walls and more. directly to masonry. 9 ga, 5/16 in head. Made in the USA. These specially engineered nails are recommended for face and blind nailing many types of fiber cement siding such as Allura? or HardiPlank?. The STORMGUARD? double hot-dipped galvanized coating on these nails ensures excellent long-term rust protection. These nails meet the blind and face nail specification for lap siding 8-1/4 in or less. Wider width sidings require blind (roofing) nails.
Hardiplank HD8530 Hand Driven Siding Nail Maze Nail H-55-S Hand Driven Hardened Masonry Nail Maze Nail H-59-S Hand Driven Hardened Masonry Nail
These specially engineered nails are recommended for face and blind nailing many types of fiber cement siding such as Allura? or HardiPlank?. The STORMGUARD? double hot-dipped galvanized coating on these nails ensures excellent long-term rust protection. These nails meet the blind and face nail specification for lap siding 8-1/4 in or less. Wider width sidings require blind (roofing) nails. Round wire type. Made of high carbon steel, heat-treated and tempered. Designed for fastening furring strip, cleats, flood plates, partition walls and more. directly to masonry. 9 ga, 5/16 in head. Made in the USA. Round wire type. Made of high carbon steel, heat-treated and tempered. Designed for fastening furring strip, cleats, flood plates, partition walls and more. directly to masonry. 9 ga, 5/16 in head. Made in the USA.
Stormguard T449A530 Hand Driven Deck Nail Stormguard T447S530 Hand Driven Deck Nail Stormguard Split-Less S227A530 Hand Driven Siding Nail
These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Ring shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc. These nails are made from stiffer stock steel so the shanks can be smaller in diameter to help reduce wood splitting without bending. Spiral shanks provide exceptional holding power. Producers of treated lumber and many building codes specify hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails because they have a rust-free life expectancy comparable to that of the treated lumber. Nails are double-dipped in molten zinc. Specially designed for split-prone woods such as cedar and redwood. Slim, sturdy shank and special blunt point virtually eliminate splits. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Ring shank for additional holding power. Checkered head enhances paint adhesion on color matched nails. High count greatly reduces per nail cost. Especially popular for sidings scheduled for finishing with paints or pigmented stains. For jobs that will be left natural or treated with a clear or semi-transparent finish, we recommend our type 304 stainless steel SLIM-JIM nails.
Stormguard S255S530 Hand Driven Siding Nail Stormguard S257S530 Hand Driven Siding Nail Stormguard S205A530 Hand Driven Trim Nail
These nails, made originally to the specifications of the early producers of hardboard siding, now have a multitude of other uses with other types of siding, trim, fencing, decking and more. They are great all-around nails. Extra stiff shank for easy driving. Self-seating heads. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. These nails, made originally to the specifications of the early producers of hardboard siding, now have a multitude of other uses with other types of siding, trim, fencing, decking and more. They are great all-around nails. Extra stiff shank for easy driving. Self-seating heads. STORMGUARD? double-dipped in molten zinc. Dependable STORMGUARD? double hot-dipped galvanized nails with our lifetime warranty provide long-term corrosion resistance for these long-lasting sidings. Checkered heads enhance paint adhesion. 1-1/2 in penetration into framing is recommended.
The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance. The wood siding nail is an exterior nail that provides a powerful, corrosion-resistant fastening solution to help make your outside living space as long lasting as the interior of your home. The nail features an annular ring shank for increased withdrawal resistance and a checker-patterned head that blends with wood grain. These nails are ideal for securing wood siding panels with excellent holding power and pull-through resistance.